Day Nine

Today’s Scripture Reading 

So, a person should think about us this way—as servants of Christ and managers of God’s secrets. In this kind of situation, what is expected of a manager is that they prove to be faithful. I couldn’t care less if I’m judged by you or by any human court; I don’t even judge myself. I’m not aware of anything against me, but that doesn’t make me innocent, because the Lord is the one who judges me. So don’t judge anything before the right time—wait until the Lord comes. He will bring things that are hidden in the dark to light, and he will make people’s motivations public. Then there will be recognition for each person from God.

Brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit. I’ve done this so that you can learn what it means not to go beyond what has been written and so none of you will become arrogant by supporting one of us against the other. Who says that you are better than anyone else? What do you have that you didn’t receive? And if you received it, then why are you bragging as if you didn’t receive it? You’ve been filled already! You’ve become rich already! You rule like kings without us! I wish you did rule so that we could be kings with you! I suppose that God has shown that we apostles are at the end of the line. We are like prisoners sentenced to death, because we have become a spectacle in the world, both to angels and to humans. We are fools for Christ, but you are wise through Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are honored, but we are dishonored! Up to this very moment we are hungry, thirsty, wearing rags, abused, and homeless. We work hard with our own hands. When we are insulted, we respond with a blessing; when we are harassed, we put up with it; when our reputation is attacked, we are encouraging. We have become the scum of the earth, the waste that runs off everything, up to the present time.

1 Corinthians 4:1-13



Humans thrive on having certain emotional needs met. Some of the emotional needs we look for are encouragement, acceptance, appreciation, affection, and to be comforted. In addition to these important needs, we also long for recognition. We like to be acknowledged for our efforts. We like to be given credit for the work we’ve done. We like others to greet the work we have done—such things as finding a solution, developing a new process, fixing something that is broken, inventing something new, creating a masterpiece—with praise and tributes. Some of the most dignifying and satisfying words we can hear are, “Good job” or “Well done.”

As a result of this need, many of us strive for awards like employee of the month or top-performing salesperson or teacher of the year or most valuable player. There is nothing wrong, of course, with striving for these accolades—as long as chasing these honors and acknowledgments doesn’t consume us. As long as the competition doesn’t move us further from Christlikeness, it can actually be a healthy pursuit to succeed.


Striving for greatness and excellence is fine, but not at the expense of others.


I don’t know about you, but several times in my life, I’ve unhealthily chosen to pursue accolades and, therefore, gotten offtrack in my spiritual life. My passion and pursuit for prizes, so to speak, has overridden my compassion and connection to people. This has resulted in hurt relationships, an overinflated ego, or unhealthy practices in which I neglected eating right and sleeping well and counted successes over serving others. Again, striving for greatness and excellence is fine, but not at the expense of others I’ve trampled over to achieve it.

To be brought low is to be humbled. We don’t typically chase this, since to be made humble or brought low can mean humiliation, feelings of indignity, or even embarrassment. To pray, “brought low for thee,” means regardless of what the outcome our participation in God’s good work might generate, we voluntarily accept it, knowing that we are God’s vessels willing to take on a lowly position in the minds of others.

Have you ever worked your backside off on a project only to have no one recognize the work you’ve put in? Have you ever thought to yourself, I know they’ll recognize my work this time, only to have no one even mention the work? This can happen in doing God’s work too. It is very possible that in doing God’s good work that no one single person will recognize what you are doing. God might be honored, but others might even seem disinterested. This truth is a very real possibility when we partner with God’s mission.

“Exalted for thee or brought low for thee” prayed authentically means that we will accept any position, whether it be high or low, in order to be used by God. Acknowledgment or not, we open our minds, hearts, and hands to God’s work and willingly assume recognition and respect or possible disregard and disdain.

When we pray the Wesley Covenant Prayer, we do so with the condition that, regardless of the outcome, we still commit to being actively or inactively employed or laid aside for God. Deeply committed disciples don’t choose roles based on possible outcomes; we simply say yes to God. Deeply committed disciples know that there is tremendous worth found in the process of doing and what we learn from the process. Deeply committed disciples also know that doing God’s work and completing assignments God gives us is its own unique prize. If outside fulfilment is the objective that drives us, we are doing it for the wrong reason.


Today’s Challenge:


Find a way to serve someone today without the person knowing about it. Ideas may include writing a note, mowing the lawn or shoveling the snow, sending flowers or a plant, dropping a small gift on the person’s doorstep, and so forth.


Personal Reflection

 •What emotional needs do I have that need to be met? Am I faithfully meeting the emotional needs of others?

•Do I long to be recognized or exalted? Am I okay to be brought low?


Group Discussion 

•How important are accolades to you? Has there ever been a time in your life when they consumed you?

•Describe a time when you’ve been “brought low” or humbled by God’s work.

•What do you think it means to be God’s vessel?

•What would you say is the main idea of this part of the prayer?


Departing Prayer

Regardless of being exalted or brought low, train us to say yes to your work. Also, train us to accept any position, high or low, for the sake of the world. Amen.

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