worship the timeless Creator

where old meets new


two services.

one church.

Our church reflects the beautiful diversity that is represented within the faith worldwide. We express our admiration of Christ by worshipping in diverse avenues. The people of First Sebring gather weekly in both our traditional and modern worship services. We believe that though the message of Christ is unchanging, our modes of worship continue to adapt over time, welcoming the new and cherishing time-honored traditions. 


Traditional Service - Sundays at 9:30am in the Sanctuary

Our traditional service has been gathering each Sunday for over 100 years. A wide variety of traditional worship is expressed through hymns and congregational songs, accompanied by a beautiful organ or piano, and is often led by our Adult Vocal Ensemble. Sunday School for elementary-age children is available during this time, as well as Nursery care for children preschool and under.

Coffeehouse Church - Sundays at 11am in Great Room

Coffeehouse Church is a more informal and contemporary environment. Worship is led by a small worship team. Sunday School for elementary-age children is available during this time, as well as Nursery care for children preschool and under.

Sebring's first church

a legacy of vitality


our story

As time has marched on, our church has grown and so has our city. We're glad to be a part of the rich spiritual fabric of our community, and proud of our connection to the cities earliest history. The ageless nature of the Gospel message allows us to be Sebring's first church and still exist in our ever-changing setting of Highlands county.

When George Sebring founded what would become the city on the circle in 1912, he knew that the small village would grow as folks from all walks of life looked to make their new home in the warmth of central Florida. In order to meet the spiritual needs of a growing community, the founder helped establish a Methodist Church as Sebring's first congregation. 

pursuing the Lord by

teaching the word


our beliefs

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, famously exclaimed "Let me be a man of one book". His passion for the Scriptures has trickled down through the centuries, and still informs our Methodist expression of faith to this day. The Bible is our manual for life, not just in church, but in our workplaces, families, and in our mission to make disciples. You can see our doctrinal statement below.


leading the way by

giving of ourselves


our team


lead pastor

David Juliano



Ben Juliano



Sue Schurke



Madison Mahler



Emily Tucker



Taylor Kundolf



nursery & cleaning

Janet Hendrix

Coffeehouse Worship Leaders

Chris & Amanda Bates

facilities & Maintenance

Chris Hendrix