Welcome to The Jesus Journey!
We are so glad you have decided to come along on The Jesus Journey this lent season!
To get started with Stage One, go to firstsebring.org/stage1
The password to access Stage One is: stageone
At the completion of each stage, you will track your miles on that stage’s webpage. Be sure you’re only submitting the completion form after you’ve walked all the miles for that stage. Bear in mind that stages vary in distance and some will take significantly longer than others. Remember to go at your own pace and take the journey in whatever way is best for you (walk or ride!).
For those that are not able to physically walk the miles, please know there is another option! Join us by spending time in intentional prayer and Bible study during the pilgrimage. 1 hour spent in quiet time is equivalent to 3.5 miles.
For those locally in Highlands County, Florida:
Every Sunday during lent, we will walk the spokes of the Downtown Sebring Circle together! Wear your walking shoes and dress down when you come to church. This is a great way to walk in community and put in 3 miles to kick off each week!
Finally, take advantage of our 24-7 Prayer Room during this time! Starting this Sunday there will be interactive prayer stations set up for each stage of the journey. A sign-up sheet will be located on the 24-7 Prayer Room door each week if you’d like to sign up for a time slot.
Logging your miles
The entire Jesus Journey is a total of 120 miles.You will submit your miles for each stage once you’ve walked them. For example, Stage 1 is 2.5 miles, so once you have walked 2.5 miles and have read through the stage’s online reading, that stage is complete. Many of you have already completed stage one! Stage 2 is 40 miles, so this will take you a little longer to complete. Once you’ve walked those 40 miles, you’ll submit stage two’s miles and proceed to stage three. There’s no set timeframe to complete each stage, go at whatever pace works for you!
Here’s a breakdown for the distance of each stage:
Stage 1 – 2.5 miles (from Capernaum to Gennesaret)
Stage 2 – 40 miles (from Gennesaret to Ginae)
Stage 3 – 60 miles (from Ginae to Jericho)
Stage 4 – 15 miles (from Jericho to Bethany)
Stage 5 – 2 miles (from Bethany to the Mount of Olives)
Stage 6 – 0.5 miles (The Passion and Death of Jesus, the Via Dolorosa)
Accessing each Stage directly:
Stage 1: firstsebring.org/stage1 (password: stageone)
Stage 2: firstsebring.org/stage2 (password: stagetwo)
Stage 3: firstsebring.org/stage3 (password: stagethree)
Stage 4: firstsebring.org/stage4 (password: stagefour)
Stage 5: firstsebring.org/stage5 (password: stagefive)
Stage 6: firstsebring.org/stage6 (password: stagesix)
Happy Pilgrimage!